Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Can Surveillance Cameras in Dental Office Prevent Lawsuits?

Can Surveillance Cameras in Dental Office Prevent Lawsuits?

Is there anyone out there who cherishes a visit to the dentists’?
Well, that’s one deed we would rather postpone as much as possible and would endure only as a last resort, and that too under duress. Reclining on the dentist’s chair with your mouth wide open, staring apprehensively at the dentist’s frowning face – definitely worth avoiding.

But, certain things in life are like what we call the necessary evils, there is no getting away from them; that is if you wish to escape from the non-stop tirade of your parent or spouse.
Most of the dental clinics have embraced technology now with high-tech gadgets and modern equipment that nevertheless manage to scare you to the same extent as before. And one of the most common features of almost every dental clinic is the business surveillance systems.

 Why Surveillance?

To really see why surveillance cameras in dental office is crucial, rarely a day goes by without the news of some law suit or other being filed against different institutions including those in the medical profession.
Camera security systems can go a long way in helping you to defend your firm against false allegations. Of course, we’ll come to that later on; let’s look into some of the immediate benefits of business security cameras in dental clinics.

 The camera as the receptionist

There are many dental clinics that prefer to watch their front desk through the indoor security camera fitted at the entrance. This can be of real help in places where the number of staff is around three or less.
Fred Tan, owner of Skye Dental remarked, “Our staff is small…, and sometimes they need to leave the front lobby unattended. We decided to add a surveillance system that would let us keep an eye on the office.”
dentist-at-work on patients
 Using Fake Surveillance Cameras Can Be Dangerous
Tan had opted for wireless IP cameras which could be installed without professional guidance. He says he has had no cause for regrets over his decision; in fact life at the clinic has become much easier with the IP surveillance cameras.
The Dove Dental Care at central Derby also vouches for the convenience of the IP surveillance camera in helping them to check the clinic day and night.  The Dove Care Centre has also equipped their clinic with motion activated security camera to protect the building at night.
The usual points of installation are the entrance and exit points, front desk, corridors and the waiting rooms. Consulting rooms too could be placed under the scanner, but most dental practitioners are hesitant when you take into account the matter of patient privacy.
But experts agree that unlike in the case of a general practitioner, dentists do not need their patients to remove their clothes prior to examination, so impeachment of privacy needn’t be an issue here.
In fact the benefits of using surveillance cameras in dental office is reiterated by the police department in Manila, Philippines had some time back issued an order that all the dentists in the National Capital Regions should install surveillance cameras in their offices to remove threats of crime and molestation. This rule came into existence following 6 different instances where female dentists where targeted for molestation attempts.

 Other Benefits of Camera Surveillance

In addition to helping you watch the front desk during the absence of a receptionist, the surveillance cameras help you in a multitude of other ways too.
 Office Video Security Camera System Is Your Last Line of Defense

They are a sure-fire way to make sure that the patients, staff and the property are safe from unexpected harm.
  • Outdoor security cameras can cut the threat of vandalism.
  • The presence of cameras in strategic places can cut the threat of patient violence and disruptive activities in the waiting areas. Naturally, when they realize that the security camera footage can be used against them to prove their guilt, it would be a powerful reminder to exercise self-control.
  • The presence of security cameras in the examination rooms would give an added sense of safety to the female patients as it would be helpful in controlling any unfortunate instances of sexual harassment.
When you set up a dental practice, you are also taking up the added responsibility of ensuring the safety of your staff and patients. So, do it with camera surveillance systems.

for more information visit hdview360.com

Dennis Mancino HD view 360 CEO , OTC 


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