Monday, August 17, 2015

360 Degree Surveillance Camera Coverage

If you’re in need of surveillance cameras for your home or business, consider panoramic surveillance cameras. One of the advantages of panoramic cameras is that you can cover a wider area, which means that you don’t need as many cameras on your property.HD View 360 specializes in high quality surveillance cameras from the industry’s most reputable manufacturers. Consider 360 degree camera coverage to save yourself time and money.

Strategic Surveillance
If you don’t have very many options for where to place your security cameras so that they can cover as wide of a vantage point as possible,panoramic surveillance cameras are a great option. A single camera can do the job of two or more cameras and can provide you with high quality images, allowing you to make sure that you never miss a single detail.

Day & Night Functionality
No matter if it’s day or night, a panoramic surveillance camera will provide you with clear images. Modern technology has allowed surveillance cameras to be more powerful than ever during nighttime surveillance. Now there’s no need for you to have separate cameras or technology for daytime surveillance and nighttime surveillance.

Prosecution and Investigative Purposes
Video cameras simply record the facts without regard to motives or emotions, which is why they are great for investigations and prosecutions. 360 degree surveillance cameras can capture even more than earlier model video cameras, which means that they can capture even more evidence and eliminate many of the blind spots that criminals might take advantage of while committing their crimes.

Larger Return on Investment
When you have a large network of cameras, there’s a chance that you’ll need several software licenses, additional network infrastructure, and more poles, cabling, and energy supplies in order for all of the cameras to be operational. Panoramic surveillance cameras can offer a bigger return on investment in the long run, since they don’t call for as many additional resources to get up and running.
To better protect your business or home and to save yourself some money, consider adding a few well-placed panoramic cameras to your property.   

Dennis Mancino HD View 360

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